Hawthorne Quarry, Part Three
View facing south, walking around south east bend. Abandoned quarry to the right. View facing east. Tire graveyard to the right, quarry to the left. Tire graveyard, adjacent to the landfill. Some remnants from the old quarry. Firebrick, slag, concrete, etc. It's pretty overgrown even in the winter, unfortunately. However, I did find one highly fossiliferous rock containing clams, gastropods, pelecypods and also some mysterious fossils I am still trying to identify. The nature of the rock and crystallization is different from the others as well. A more detailed analysis to come later. A tiny mystery find, measures only 1mm. It looks like it could be a shark tooth, but I can't be sure. Dozens of Loxonema sp. steinkerns precipitating calcite crystals. Here you can see the partial internal mold and the impression of the shell which has dissolved away. In attempt to make a more accurate identifi