Hawthorne Quarry, Part Two

Early one January morning, I returned to Hawthorne. As I descended the hill to the frontage road, a couple of the men from the encampment appeared to be on their way to work. I decided to enter the homeless camp to see if I could find any promising looking rocks on the other side. There was a woman standing under a tarp. It was raining and getting colder. I gave her a few bucks. I didn't really want to bother her. I went about looking for fossiliferous rocks. Cement blocks, bricks and weird conglomerate deceptively weathered appearing as reef material. I didn't find much. Lots of trash, hundreds of malt liquor bottles everywhere. There was even a bed made out of bottles and cardboard. Eventually, I did find this one rock next to a bottle of King Cobra.

I had to pry it out of the mud with a crobar and lug it back to my car. When I got home, I noticed a Calymene impression on the outside of the rock.

When I split it open there was a large Bumastus cephalon inside!

I spent the rest of the day carefully removing the fossil from the rock and gluing the cephalon back together.

An incredible specimen I'm very happy to have found at this lost and "forgotten" locale.

Bumastus (Cybantyx) insignis, Hall 1865 
Date found: January 5, 2019 
Hawthorne Quarry, Chicago (Cicero), Illinois
Niagaran Series, Racine Formation 
Homerian Age (?)
Wenlock Epoch
Silurian Period
Paleozoic Era
Phanerozoic Eon

Measures 5cm across. 
Found in vuggy, porous, bituminous gray reef dolostone with manganese/iron tinged dolomite crystals. Two small clusters of pyrite crystals under left eye. Cephalon found concave side down inside rock near Calymene impression. Other fossils in rock include an unknown coral, possibly a sponge. Left side of cephalon suggests it was transported by currents for a short period before complete burial in reef sediment trap where it was lithified, however could also be due to the carbonate porosity of the dolostone. 


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