New Spot in the Sugar Run Formation

I discovered an excellent new locality a couple days ago. This locality is isolated, yet close to home, abounding with fossiliferous rocks of the Sugar Run formation( previously known as the Waukesha). In this modern world with everything being paved over and gated off, this can be a difficult task.

This is a new species to me. It was found already exposed covered in mud. I didn't think much of at first and threw in my backpack. it is Ceratocephala goniata,Warder 1838. The cephalon has three pairs of spines on it, which in this case, they are all broken off, however it appears under closer examination, there are a few broken spines hidden in the dolomite unable to be retrieved. Also, this trilobite appears to be blind, as it has no eyes.

Encrinurus sp.
Supposedly, these cephalons are rare in the Chicagoland area. Disappointed that the left eye stalk popped off during preparation, next time I am using tape! Still, a very nice specimen.

I believe this is Dalmanites halli, Hall 1877, but I could be mistaken, perhaps Glyptambon verrucousus? Again, the right side genal spine flew off during prep, will use tape next time. It appears the left genal spine already missing.

 A nice brachipod showing internal structure.

Gravicalymene celebra

Sphaerexochus romingeri


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